D&H H-Class 0-8-8-0 and O Scale model



“Before and After” views of D&H H-Class 0-8-8-0 “Angus”. Top view illustrates the 1910 “as delivered” configuration, and the lower image the 1935 “post Colonie” rebuild.  (Delaware &  Hudson Railroad Co. photo)


In this 1948 view, H-Class “Angus” 1610 sits outside the huge D&H erecting shops at Colonie, New York. (Jim Shaughnesssy photo)

D&H H-Class locomotive #1600, the first one built, and was the last one in service, having been scrapped December of 1952. The Erie ordered their three 0-8-8-0 “camelbacks”, from ALCo in 1907. After borrowing one of the Erie’s for use as a test pusher on Ararat, the D&H ordered 13 of these locos for themselves, also from ALCo in 1910-12, #1600-1612.

This loco is a major brass-bash using a Sunset Erie 0-8-8-0 as a base-model. A new, lengthened boiler has been constructed, driver axle centers have been re-spaced to accommodate the new 57″ drivers, replacing the original 51″, as was done on the prototype during the D&H Colonie Shops 1930-1937 complete rebuilding and upgrading of this locomotive series .

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