Evolution of the 40′ Steam Era House Cars of the Delaware & Hudson
September 10th, 2010
USRA Single Sheathed, 40 foot “Government” boxcar, built in 1919, series 17001-17500. This is #17225, as she appeared after her 1937 rebuilding, and wearing the new post 1950 D&H paint scheme. Note the Viking roof, that was a part of the upgrading process. Cars got either a Murphy Raised Panel roof, Climax Radial, […]
Obstacle Course for Challengers, 1952
June 12th, 2010
(Original image coutesy “Trains” magazine, and Syracuse University Press) This diagram represents the track profile for the D&H Penn Division, running from south to north as viewed from left to right. The Division starts in Wilkes-Barre, PA (PRR Interchange), and ends at Nineveh, NY, where the Penn Division merges with the D&H’s own Susquehanna Division, and […]
Erie’s YD Tower at Ararat
June 10th, 2010
The portion of the D&H Penn Division that I am modeling is the segment between Lanesboro, PA to the north, and Carbondale, PA to the south (a distance of about 36 miles). Approximately half-way between those two locations lies the tiny hamlet of Ararat, PA. This represented the summit of the climb from both the north and the south, and […]